Design - Production

The Hotel des Bains patio, Cabourg

Location Cabourg Size 50m² Specificities Patio, in the middle of a restaurant
Plant species Dicksonia antartica
Carex flagelifera
Trachelospermum jasminoides
Soleirolia soleirolii
Heuchère ‘Caramel’

The Hotel des Bains patio, Cabourg

Each guest can enjoy a pleasant view from his or her table towards the sea, or the patio, or both. This patio is a living space, symbolising outdoor life.

Le patio de l'Hôtel des bains de Cabourg
The tree fern stipe recalls the restaurant’s interior colour scheme and reinforces the project’s intention.
Plante murale sur le patio de l'Hôtel des bains de Cabourg
Vue d'ensemble du patio
“The patio encompasses a nature atmosphere.”

A journey across the world

The colours of plants and materials are displayed on the bay windows in harmony with the interior decoration. This mixture of colours creates a tropical atmosphere inspiring a journey across the world.

Modélisation le patio de l'Hôtel des bains de Cabourg
Restaurant sur le patio de l'Hôtel des bains de Cabourg

A small rain forest

The climbing plants on the patio walls crown the space and enhance the tropical space atmosphere provided by the materials and the other plant species.

Végétation dans le patio de l'Hôtel des bains de Cabourg
The wooden recesses on the wall symbolise the presence of Man.
They can hold books, decorative items…
Photos - PHB, Patrice Lebris