Design - Production
Seafront Garden
Artemisia Carcassonne
Cistus corbariensis
Lavandula intermedia super
Sedum album coral carpet
Origanum vulgaris
Elaeagnus ebbengei compactum
Garrya elliptica
Baccharis halimifolia
Polygonum aubertii
Seafront Garden
The more difficult the conditions, the more the garden flourishes.
The plant selection is drastic but still leaves a beautiful, diversified, Mediterranean-style range of varieties. Medicinal plants, grey foliage, succulents, are all combined together to create a living picture. The selected plants provide colour at all times. Scents are also present, of course. All this was made possible by the natural soil drainage qualities we have exploited and by the temperate climatic conditions. Wind and salt are the main constraints, and for this we have to use suitable species. To liven up the south terrace, pottery made by an Italian potter and garnished with evergreen shrubs gives more privacy to this space. The beautiful veranda enables to live outdoors all year round and enjoy the light.

Visual transition from the garden to the sea through the path. The mix of plants offers a patchwork of colours and shapes against the background veranda, water and sky.

“Nice contrast between the old stone walls and the steel veranda, revealing a genuine harmony in this whole. “
Living with the Sea
Magnificent view out to sea, the grey-blue shades of the sky and the sea create a backdrop to the garden.

Mineral elements
The garden is complex in its organisation but the overall impression is very graceful.
The stabilised sand and paving ground gives a sober look, leaving the plants to express themselves.

The dry garden gives its most beautiful colours in the middle of summer, as the dry period accentuates the flowering reaction of plants.