Design - Production
Cottage Garden by the Sea
Camelia japonica
Acer palmatum ‘Thunbergii‘
Taxus baccata
Tilia cordata palissés
Viburnum plicatum ‘Lanart
Cottage Garden by the Sea
A thatched cottage in Normandy, a garden with various influences, including the coast, in a variety of tones, all together providing year-round interest. From rhododendrons, magnolias and azaleas in spring, to foliage and bark in winter, through the flowering of roses, lavender, perennials and magnificent hydrangeas all summer long, this garden invites you to take a stroll at any time…

Large collector’s hydrangeas adorn the base of the thatched cottage.

Pleached trees
Lime trees have been trained to follow a curve along the brick walkway.

Glos bricks
The brick from Glos (Normandy) fits perfectly into this style of gardens. Its nuanced colour and common use in local buildings make it a first-rate material. Hard-wearing, long-lasting and with a nice patina, it gives the garden a real cachet.

At the centre of the brick pathway, a large wrought iron arbour shelters beautiful climbing roses.