A different approach
The meeting
Paul-Henri Besneux will first meet you, on your site, to observe, take pictures, draw sketches, take into account each of the elements making up “your” ecosystem.
These notes and pictures will then be incorporated into the design phase of your project.
The Invitation
You will be invited to the House in Le Hôme-Varaville, where the PHB Creation team works.
The House is at the same time an open book, a gallery and a working space.
- An open book where you can discover on site the actual concept applied by Paul-Henri Besneux in the landscaping surrounding the House.
- A gallery displaying pictures and drawings, constantly renewed, highlighting the diversity of PHB Création’s landscape design creations.
- A working space: in a genuine maieutic approach, you will gradually see your project emerge, through exchanges with Paul-Henri Besneux, nourished by the elements gathered during your first meeting. You will find that it becomes unique, as you wished it would be.
Your project from A to Z
A demanding organisation also involves traceability throughout the project implementation process:
- Guarantee that the commitments of PHB Création’s partners have been met.
- Guarantee for the Client that the project he/she has approved is implemented in accordance with the quotation and technical file.
Feedback is regularly requested from each of the stakeholders
(suppliers and companies involved in the project implementation).
- Technical design studies
- Drawings
- 3D representation
- Preparation of estimate with project description, completion time and costs.
Purchase of materials
- Ordering of plants and materials from selected suppliers.
Selection of companies
- Forwarding of technical file (drawings, description, list of plants and materials).
- Work scheduling.
Works launch
- Works kick-off visit with each company.
- Briefing meeting (instructions, deadlines and on-site delivery schedule of plants and materials).
Works monitoring
- Regular visits to the site, as well as whenever necessary.
- Regular exchanges between PHB and the contractor to ensure works coordination.
Works acceptance
- On-site visit with the Client to validate satisfactory project completion and collect any observations.
Works summary
- Collection of all project documents
- Preparation of final invoice
- Records compiling for archiving
A demanding organisation
To achieve an optimal result, PHB Création has sourced a set of companies and entrepreneurs who share its values and its design approach.
Thus, they become players in the ecosystem being developed, bringing their added value so your project becomes unique. A Charter detailing PHB Création’s requirements from its selected entrepreneurs has been drawn up and shared with them.
Company and Entrepreneur Charter
Supplier Charter
A dedicated organisation
Company and Entrepreneur Charter
Requirements | Why is this important for your project? |
Supplier Charter
Requirements | Why is this important for your project? |